
HS2 Vertical Reference Frame


Data source: EPSG

Information source: HS2 Limited.

Revision date: 2020-07-01

Scope: Engineering survey for HS2 project phases 1 and 2a.

Remarks: After introduction of OSNet v2009 CORS, OSTN15 and the OSGM15 geoid model, the HS2 VRF is maintained equivalent to OSNet v2001 and OSGM02 through HS2GM15 (code 9304).

Area of use: United Kingdom (UK) - HS2 phases 1 and 2a railway corridor from London to Birmingham, Lichfield and Crewe.


WGS84 bounds:
0.0 51.45
-2.75 53.3

MapTiler banner

Definition: OGC Well Known Text

VERT_DATUM["HS2 Vertical Reference Frame",2005,

Definition: OGC Well Known Text 2 (2019)

VDATUM["HS2 Vertical Reference Frame",

Definition: ESRI Well Known Text


Definition: JSON

    "$schema": "https://proj.org/schemas/v0.7/projjson.schema.json",
    "type": "VerticalReferenceFrame",
    "name": "HS2 Vertical Reference Frame",
    "scope": "Engineering survey for HS2 project phases 1 and 2a.",
    "area": "United Kingdom (UK) - HS2 phases 1 and 2a railway corridor from London to Birmingham, Lichfield and Crewe.",
    "bbox": {
        "south_latitude": 51.45,
        "west_longitude": -2.75,
        "north_latitude": 53.3,
        "east_longitude": 0
    "id": {
        "authority": "EPSG",
        "code": 1265

Definition: GeoServer

1265-datum=VERT_DATUM["HS2 Vertical Reference Frame",2005,AUTHORITY["EPSG","1265"]]