
EPSG example of georeferencing I=J+90 local bin grid


Geodetic CRS: WGS 84

Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble

Data source: EPSG

Information source: IOGP

Revision date: 2021-03-18

Scope: enter as appropriate: seismic data acquisition / processing / interpretation

Remarks: Example for georeferencing a local bin grid when I-axis direction = J+90°, e.g. CRSs 32598 and 32764. Not required for bin grids defined with respect to a map grid as the relationship is part of the bin grid definition (see CRSs 32596 and 32762).

Method: P6 I=J+90 seismic bin grid coordinate operation

Area of use: enter here applicable geographic extent

Description: (0,)

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